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SenderNegotiator Objects

class SenderNegotiator()

Manages the negotiation of protocols for sending tasks.


def __init__(toolformer: Toolformer, max_rounds: int = 10) -> None

Initializes the SenderNegotiator.


  • toolformer Toolformer - The Toolformer instance.
  • max_rounds int - Maximum number of negotiation rounds.


def __call__(task_schema: TaskSchemaLike,
callback: Callable[[str], str],
additional_info: str = '') -> Protocol

Negotiates and finalizes a protocol based on the task schema.


  • task_schema TaskSchemaLike - The schema of the task.
  • callback Callable[[str], str] - A callback to handle messages from the other party.
  • additional_info str - Additional information for the negotiation.


  • Protocol - The finalized Protocol object.