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Below is the Working Standard for the Agora Protocol, structured in a style similar to IETF RFCs. It includes the sections outlined previously, along with normative language (per RFC 2119 and RFC 8174). While this document follows a typical RFC format, it should be understood as a draft.

Agora Protocol for Two-Party JSON Exchanges

Status of This Memo

This document is intended to be a Proposed Standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

(C) 2025 Samuele Marro.

1. Abstract

This document specifies the Agora Protocol, a lightweight JSON-based framework for two-party exchanges (client and server). The protocol accommodates both single-round (stateless) and multi-round (stateful) conversations, supports optional strict “Protocol Documents” identified by a SHA1 hash, and defines a clear separation of transport-level, Agora-level, and protocol-level errors. The primary goals are simplicity, extensibility, and clarity.

2. Introduction

Systems often need a simple way to exchange structured data with optional support for higher-level conventions (e.g., domain-specific request/response formats). The Agora Protocol provides:

  • A consistent JSON envelope for client requests and server replies.
  • Optional in-conversation state (multi-round) via a conversation identifier.
  • Protocol Document references (via protocolHash) to impose additional constraints on message bodies.

This protocol is agnostic to underlying application logic, letting users handle domain-specific details within the message body or via Protocol Documents. It requires HTTPS to ensure confidentiality but is otherwise minimal in security assumptions.

2.1 Scope

  • In Scope:

    • JSON message format and structure.
    • Error handling conventions (transport-level vs. application-level).
    • Support for protocol documents and conversation state management.
  • Out of Scope:

    • Authentication, authorization, or key management.
    • Negotiation mechanisms beyond providing a well-known endpoint for protocol discovery.
    • Advanced privacy requirements.

3. Requirements Language

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

4. Terminology

  • Client: The party initiating a request (formerly “Alice”).
  • Server: The party receiving the request and generating a response (formerly “Bob”).
  • Conversation: A multi-round interaction sequence, uniquely identified by a conversationId.
  • Protocol Document: A text file that defines additional, domain-specific request/response structures. It is identified by a unique SHA1 hash.
  • Status: A JSON field in the response that can be either "success" or "failure".

5. Overview of the Agora Protocol

5.1 Transport Requirements

All Agora exchanges MUST occur over HTTPS using HTTP POST. Implementations MUST set the Content-Type header to application/json for both requests and responses. Additional HTTP headers (e.g., Accept, Accept-Charset) MAY be used but are not mandated by this specification.

5.2 Basic Exchange Flow

  1. The Client sends an HTTPS POST request to the Server’s base URL (e.g.,, providing a JSON body that MUST include at least:

    • body: unstructured or protocol-defined content.
    • Optional fields such as protocolHash, multiround, etc.
  2. The Server MUST respond with a JSON body that includes:

    • status: either "success" or "failure".
    • If status is "success", it MAY include a body field for the response and other optional fields.
    • If status is "failure", the Server MUST include an error field describing the failure.

6. Message Structure

6.1 Request Fields

A minimal Agora request JSON object MAY contain the following fields:

  • body (string or object):
    The core of the request. Its format MAY be arbitrary if no protocol is used, or constrained by a Protocol Document.

  • protocolHash (string or null):
    The SHA1 hash identifying a Protocol Document.

    • If absent or null, the request uses no formal protocol.
  • protocolSources (array of strings or optional format):
    Contains the full text or references to the Protocol Document.

    • MAY be omitted if the Server is known to support the specified hash.
  • multiround (boolean):
    If true, requests initiation of a multi-round conversation.

  • Additional Fields:
    Extra fields MAY be present and MUST be ignored by the Server unless explicitly recognized.

6.2 Response Fields

A minimal Agora response JSON object MAY contain the following fields:

  • status (string):
    Either "success" or "failure".

  • body (string or object):
    Present if and only if status is "success". The Server’s main response content.

  • error (string):
    Present if and only if status is "failure". Describes an Agora-level error condition.

  • conversationId (string):
    Present if initiating or continuing a multi-round conversation.

  • conversationExpires (integer):
    A Unix timestamp indicating the conversation’s expiration. Present only if multi-round mode is in effect.

  • Additional Fields:
    MAY appear for extended metadata or logging but are not standardized.

6.3 Example Message Exchange

6.3.1 Single-Round Example

Request (Client -> Server, no protocol, single-round):

"protocolHash": null,
"body": "Hello! What is the weather tomorrow in London?"

Response (Server -> Client):

"status": "success",
"body": "It will be cloudy with a 30% chance of precipitation."

6.3.2 Multi-Round Example

Request (Client -> Server, multi-round initiation):

"protocolHash": null,
"body": "Hello! I'd like to ask multiple questions.",
"multiround": true

Response (Server -> Client):

"status": "success",
"body": "Multi-round conversation initiated.",
"conversationId": "abc123xyz",
"conversationExpires": 1741910401

7. Multi-Round Conversations

7.1 Conversation Initialization

  • A Client MUST include "multiround": true to request multi-round mode.
  • If the Server approves, it MUST generate a unique conversationId and MUST return a conversationExpires timestamp.

7.2 Follow-Up Requests

Once a multi-round conversation is established, the Client MUST POST subsequent requests to:


Follow-up requests MUST NOT include the protocolHash if it was set in the original request. Attempting to change the protocol mid-conversation is invalid and MUST be treated as a malformed request by the Server.

7.3 Conversation Expiration

  • The Server MAY set any future timestamp for conversationExpires.
  • After reaching conversationExpires, the Server SHOULD return status: "failure" and error: "Conversation expired" (or similar) if any further requests for that conversationId arrive.
  • The Server MUST NOT allow usage of an expired conversationId.

8. Protocol Documents and Hashing

8.1 Protocol Document Format

A Protocol Document is a text file with two parts, separated by a line containing ---:

  1. YAML Metadata (top section), containing at least:

    • name (string)
    • description (string)
    • multiround (boolean)
  2. Specification (freeform text), describing how requests and responses MUST or SHOULD be structured at the application level.

8.2 SHA1 Hash Identification

  • Implementations MUST use the entire Protocol Document text (including metadata, the --- separator, and the specification) as input to the SHA1 function.
  • The resulting 40-character hexadecimal digest MUST serve as the unique protocol identifier in protocolHash.

8.3 Usage of Protocol Hash and Sources

  • When a Client sends protocolHash, the Server MUST verify that it supports that protocol.
  • If the Server does not support it, it MUST return:
    "status": "failure",
    "error": "Unsupported protocol"
    accompanied by HTTP status code 200 (denoting a valid Agora message, but a protocol-level rejection at the Agora layer).
  • protocolSources MAY be included in the request to provide the document text, but the Server MAY ignore it if it already has the document or is not interested.

9. Well-Known Endpoint

A Server MAY implement:

GET {baseURL}/wellknown

The Server MUST return a JSON object where each key is a supported protocolHash, and the value is a (non-empty) list of Protocol Document sources. Example:

"1234abcd...": [
"name: Example Protocol\n...",
"---\nThis is an example specification..."
"5678efgh...": [
"name: Another Protocol\n...",
"---\nSome specification text..."

If a protocol is “partially supported,” from Agora’s perspective it is not supported, and MUST NOT appear in the response.

10. Error Handling

10.1 Transport-Level Errors

Transport-level errors MUST be indicated using appropriate HTTP status codes. For instance:

  • 400 Bad Request for malformed JSON or invalid fields at the HTTP layer.
  • 404 Not Found for unknown endpoints or conversation IDs.
  • 500 Internal Server Error for server-side faults.

10.2 Agora-Level Errors

When the request is well-formed HTTP and JSON but cannot be processed due to an Agora rule (e.g., unsupported protocol, expired conversation), the Server MUST respond with HTTP 200 and JSON:

"status": "failure",
"error": "<Short error message>"

10.3 Protocol-Level Errors

If the request is valid at the Agora level but violates the Protocol Document’s rules (e.g., missing required fields, unsupported domain-specific parameter):

  • The Server MUST return status: "success" (Agora layer is fine).
  • The Server MUST describe the error inside body, or in whatever format the Protocol Document prescribes.
  • Example:
    "status": "success",
    "body": {
    "error": "Invalid date format"

11. Security Considerations

  1. HTTPS:

    • This specification REQUIRES TLS/HTTPS transport. Clients and servers MUST NOT use plain HTTP for production use.
  2. Conversation ID Security:

    • Servers SHOULD generate random, hard-to-guess conversationId values to mitigate session hijacking.
  3. Privacy:

    • The protocol does not place constraints on the data contained in body. Implementers SHOULD consider the sensitivity of data exchanged and handle logging or storage accordingly.
  4. Authentication:

    • Out of scope. Systems MAY layer on top of the Agora Protocol with tokens, OAuth, etc.

12. Implementation Notes and Examples

12.1 Single-Round Implementation Snippet

  • Client: (Pseudo-code)

    import requests

    payload = {
    "protocolHash": None,
    "body": "What is the temperature?"
    r ="", json=payload)
  • Server: (Pseudo-code)

    from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

    app = Flask(__name__)

    @app.route("/agora", methods=["POST"])
    def handle_single_round():
    data = request.json
    # Basic validation...
    if "body" not in data:
    return jsonify({
    "status": "failure",
    "error": "Missing field 'body'"
    }), 200

    # Return a success with some response
    return jsonify({
    "status": "success",
    "body": "It's 15°C with light rain."
    }), 200

12.2 Multi-Round Conversation Snippet

  • Client:

    1. Initiate conversation (multiround: true).
    2. Parse conversationId and conversationExpires.
    3. Send follow-ups to /conversations/{conversationId} until expiration.
  • Server:

    1. Generate random conversationId.
    2. Store minimal conversation state (if needed).
    3. Reject requests if the conversation is expired or unknown.

13. IANA Considerations

This specification does not create or modify any existing IANA registries.
If future versions wish to register a well-known URI (e.g., .well-known/agora), that would be addressed in an update.

14. References

14.1 Normative References

  • RFC 2119, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
  • RFC 8174, Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words
  • RFC 8259, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format

14.2 Informative References

  • RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing
  • RFC 7231, HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content

15. Acknowledgments

The authors wish to thank all early implementers and reviewers who contributed feedback to the design of this protocol.

Notes on Conformance

Implementers MUST ensure their systems strictly follow the requirements on status fields, conversation lifecycles, and error handling. Optional features (like the well-known endpoint) remain RECOMMENDED but not mandatory.